Monday, August 29, 2011

Fallout: New Vegas DLC - Honest Hearts

I wish I had better things to say about the Fallout: New Vegas DLC Honest Hearts, but - well - the truth of the matter is ... this DLC is okay.  Just okay.

Joshua Graham, the Burned Man.
The story is that of Caesar's former second-in-command, Joshua Graham, now known as The Burned Man.  So named is Graham because after failing Caesar, the ruthless slave leader burned Graham on a pitch, tossed him into the Grand Canyon and commanded his troops to never again speak his name.

But he lived through the experience, and now is the leader of some tribals of the Zion National Park area.  Now he and another tribal group are debating whether to fight or flee from the oppressive White Legs who aim to eliminate the other tribes of Zion and the Burned Man in order to curry favor with Caesar.  Graham seeks a solution of war with the White Legs, while religious leader Daniel wants a peaceful resolution.

So yeah, there's that.  But without exploring the Zion area, the plot goes ridiculously fast.  However, there's plenty of Zion to explore.  And - unlike Dead Money - there is an enjoyable plethora of enemies.  Some of them are direct replicas of those found in the Mojave (we got Geckos and coyotes, etc.), but there are a couple new things (or sort of new, like Yao Guai).

The real fun comes from the hidden journal entries of a man living in the Zion caves called the Survivalist.  Discovery of this story was the most enjoyable part of this DLC for me.

There's some nice tie-in with the main storyline, but all-in-all - it's just okay.

Oh look!  A Giant Spore Plant!


No really, officer.  I've been - working - like all the time.
Sorry for the absenteeism, faithful followers. The beginning of the semester, and not playing L.A. Noire, has been taking up all my time recently.  If I was, say, playing a new video game that required me to determine whether in-game characters were lying by observing their facial patterns, surely I would have had time to write a review of it, or at least confirm that I was alive.

I promise that as soon as things slow down at work, everything will be much more update-y.  Might have some words about The Hunger Games which I'm trying to read, as well.