Friday, March 11, 2011

Flash Game Friday: Achievement Unlocked

Yes, I am on an airplane right now, but I'm writing this in advance, because you need a little diversion on Fridays.  After my rant last weekend on trophies and achievements, I figured Achievement Unlocked and Achievement Unlocked 2 would be the perfect games to feature. 

Here's the deal.  You are an elephant.  Why?  Who can say?  You are in a room.  The room has spikes and blocks and everything you do or interact with (essentially) triggers an achievement.  You fell into a pit?  Achievement unlocked!  You stood still?  Achievement unlocked!  You quit playing the game?  Achievement unlocked!

Hey look!  I achieved things!
What starts as a humorous exercise in the ridiculousness of trophies/achievements quickly turns into an obsession to figure out how to achieve every single one.  There's a list for you to see what you need to do, with hints that border on puzzling, but nothing too challenging.

The real shining point is the sequel, which adds additional rooms to your gameplay insanity, lets you panic (exploding yourself), and gives you the ability to poop out pastries (because, why not?).  It also adds a keyboard, teleporting devices, a slot machine, and a big button!

While the gameplay is sheer platforming, plain and simple, the real fun is in the bizarre achievements the game has set.  If you're a gamer, you should get a few laughs out of it.  And if you're not a gamer, it's still an easy to pick up flash game that has you controling a cute little elephant.

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