Old World Blues is the most recently released DLC package for Fallout: New Vegas, and it's also the only pack I've had any experience with. After about five hours of play yesterday, I feel like I've got a good enough grasp to give it a review, even if I haven't played the whole thing (this sort of behavior makes me reek of professionalism, right?).
Firstly, there is about a half hour of dialogue at the beginning of the DLC. Yes, a half hour. Do you know how long I wanted it to be?
No, seriously. The dialogue was laugh-out-loud funny, side-splittingly well voiced, and genius. Had I been drinking milk, it would have been discharged through my nose at some of the no-stops humor that had been poured into this opening.
Despite the humor, we also get some pretty standard exposition. You have been transported (via SCIENCE) to The Big Empty research area, wherein experiments (of SCIENCE) were done to explore the world and benefit mankind (and, of course SCIENCE). During your transportation you were lobotomized (whoops) and your brain was accidentally flushed down a tube. It now lies in the Forbidden Zone, an area of the Big Empty controlled by the mad scientist Dr. Mobius. You obviously want to get your brain back, so you are tasked with some quests from the minds of Dr. Klein and the Think Tank to move against Dr. Mobius and save your brain.
Of course, The Big Empty is not without enemies. From other crazed lobotomites to reanimated skeletons in resurrection harnesses to roboscorpions! Fortunately, having entered the area with a Unarmed build and the Paladin Toaster (which deals EMP damage to machines) - I was pretty well set.
The DLC adds plenty of new weaponry that you can take with you back to the Mojave once you're done with the issues at The Big Empty, including a gun with a dog's brain built into it. Some new gear is also introduced.
Most importantly (to me), was the addition of new Traits and new Perks to allow more in depth character customization, with one particularly unique trait that boosts all Skills at the price of -10% experience for the rest of the game.
The whole thing reeks of camp, but does so with a handsome finnesse. By my estimation, the DLC will have added 10+ hours to my Fallout: New Vegas experience, which is well worth the $9.99 price tag...
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