Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I really want to like Catherine, Atlus' bizarre puzzle-platformer/horror/romance-sim game that was released stateside back in midsummer.  After an unimpressive demo back in July, I've recently given the full-game a shot, having borrowed it from my friend.  However, despite my interest in its bizarre gameplay, I simply cannot embrace the game.

Could it be its more-difficult-than-they-need-to-be Q-bert style block puzzles?

Could it be the hamby-pamby story of Vincent, the protagonist stuck between his overbearing girlfriend, Katherine, and his multiple-night-stand-may-not-be-a-real-person-since-she-doesn't-interact-with-any-other-characters Catherine?

Could it be the stumbly dialogue options via text message that you exchange with Catherine or Katherine?

Or is it simply the lack of gender role nuances that forces the thought that Vincent is afraid of commitment, like all men must be, and that the "right" path is to get over it and settle with your domineering (and possibly pregnant) girlfriend?

Whichever of these is the real culprit, I'll not be able to say.  Not simply because blaming just one seems too limiting, but because I can't bring myself to play the game again.

Catherine is the story of Vincent, a hapless computer programmer who is cursed to live through nightmares involving climbing a seemingly never-ending tower of moving blocks.  The blocks follow a bizarre physics law wherein they will stay standing if they are supported by an edge of another block, leading to some interesting techniques which the game shares with you as you go.  The nightmares are broken into stages with a "boss battle" at the end, Vincent climbing the tower while a monstrous visage of one of his fears chases him.

In between nightmare stages during the evenings, the player is treated to anime and cell-shaded cut scenes of Vincent and his interactions with his girlfriend, fantasy girl, and friends.  After these (incredibly long) cut scenes, you gain control of Vincent at the bar, allowing interaction with other cursed men and the aforementioned exchange of dialogue via text message.

That's the game.  Over and over and over.

So, obviously the repetitiveness becomes and issue.  The nightmare stages introduce some new blocks (such as ice, heavy, and bomb), but here's the rub: despite the blocks available, the nightmare stages are simply difficult.  Never did I want to chuck the controller across the room, but sometimes I got very frustrated.  Despite myself, I shared Vincent's shout for joy when getting to the end of a level.

All in all, it seems like the kind of game I should like.  But- I just don't. And least of all, I couldn't imagine playing the game all 9 times necessary to nab the Platinum Trophy associated with this game.

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