Sunday, June 26, 2011

Birthday Wishes

In an attempt to assuage any anxiety about gifts for me, I have made a couple recommendations of the video game/coffee variety.  The full bulk of this sort of thing can be viewed at my gift list here.

It's probably worth noting that some of the links that follow are part of me being an Amazon Associate, so I could even be getting bonus money from you buying gifts for me that you were going to anyway!

The list, descriptively separated by how much you love me how much money you have to spare on the celebration of my birth, follows after the jump!

El-Cheapo: Gifts Under $10

  1. The first Sookie Stackhouse book: Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood)
  2. Any of the Buffy Season 8 comic books: The Long Way Home (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 8, Vol. 1) or No Future For You (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight, Volume 2) etc.
  3. A $10.00 gift card to Papa Murphy's - enough for a large take and bake pizza!
  4. Chocolate of very nearly any variety, but particularly Tim Tams, which can be made into TIM TAM EXPLOSIONS.  Available at World Market, etc.
  5. Brownish-colored dress socks (no really, I have like 3 pairs) - I wear mostly khakis, and am colorblind
Gaining Momentum: Gifts Between $10 and $25 
  1. The Sixth Man, which is by David Baldacci, one of my favorite authors!
  2. A modest, Sony Playstation Network Card - $20.  Available all over the place, really
  3. Zombie magnetic poetry set, enough said
  4. Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, an irresistibly fun puzzle adventure game
  5. I wouldn't ever say no to a Starbucks Gift Card
The Sweet Spot: Gifts Between $25 and $50
  1. The amazing, Sony Playstation Network Card - $50!  Just think of the oodles of Downloadable Content that could be played to salaciously provide content for this blog!
  2. Even though I don't know much about it, I felt like L.A. Noire should make the cut
  3. The Best of FoxTrot - an absolute must-have for a FoxTrot junkie, like myself.  Amend's favorite strips along with his commentary!
  4. inFAMOUS 2, because I'm so effing tired of looking for the 1 final blast shard from inFAMOUS the first
  5. And because I love hexagons: Sid Meier's Civilization V
Stretching It: Gifts Over $50
  1. Help get this puny blog onto its own website! All grown up and registered with a domain and everything (this is kind of like $140/year via A Small Orange)
  2. PlayStation Portable and games, like Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions or Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII or even Final Fantasy IV The Complete Collection
  3. Yeah, that's right The Complete Calvin and Hobbes (Calvin & Hobbes) (v. 1, 2, 3)

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