I'm always ashamed when I have to say something that betrays my nerd cred.
Like when I had to fess up that I never actually played Portal. So, to add another log to that fire: I've never played a Rockstar game. No
Grand Theft Auto, no
Red Dead Redemption, and no
Bully. I feel appropriate levels of shame, and am happy to announce that it is no longer true, for I've polished off my swapped copy of
L.A. Noire this past weekend.
Title Screen, rocking the Noire Neon Treatment. |
L.A. Noire tells the story of Cole Phelps, a returned war hero serving as a cop circa 1947 in the growing city of Los Angeles. Phelps begins as a patrol officer and then works his way up (and then, down) the complicated command chain of detectives in the LAPD. For the gameplay, the game is much more
Heavy Rain than
Fallout 3 - you have a firearm, but rarely resort to using it. For the most part, you are in an interactive fiction, instead of being in a shooter game. A happy surprise!
More happiness, and review; after the jump!